12 Month: June 2020

quote from Fred Rogers: "if it's mentionable, it's manageable"

LiveTogether – LearnTogether. In a Pandemic.

Learning is about connections  and community as much as anything.  In late March as we were all making the “pivot”, a couple of faculty floated an idea: Could we…

Panels of the Pandemic (Making Comics to Stay Sane)

We left school on Friday the 13th of March and never returned to our classroom. My sixth graders reminded me often of the Friday the 13th significance. At…

La educación en América Latina y el Caribe ante el COVID-19

Enfrentando la emergencia en la región En todo el mundo, niños, niñas, jóvenes y adultos han dejado de asistir a escuelas, universidades y otros centros educativos debido al…

Recursos Educativos para Innovar la Docencia ante el Covid-19

Las universidades integrantes de la Red de Innovación Educativa 360 han preparado un sitio para apoyar la labor docente durante la contingencia. Encontrarás enlaces a portales de apoyos…

Serie de recursos educativos, buenas prácticas y lecturas útiles dirigidas a docentes, personal no académico y estudiantes para hacer frente a la crisis mundial desatada por el coronavirus (COVID-19)

Compartimos una serie de recursos educativos, buenas prácticas y lecturas útiles dirigidas a docentes, personal no académico y estudiantes para hacer frente a la crisis mundial desatada por…

Uplift and Shine in Exactly 55

Jessica Knott created a padlet open for people to share their stories that can “uplift” readers with the creative twist that each story is exactly 55 words, no…

numb – a short film by liv mcneil

A beautiful student created short film about this time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSkbd6hRkXo Let her describe it. This is just a generalization of the feeling of isolation, not my personal feelings,…

Switching from blended to full-online learning in the Netherlands; a difficult path in secondary education

The closing down of schools in the Netherlands due to the Covid-19 outbreak made teachers rethink how to continue their teaching and students how to continue their learning….

Open as in a (white house) fence

As the pandemic took hold, I found myself even a little more on the sidelines than usual. I watched as folks struggled to make sense of online learning,…

The Phylo Trading Card Game DIY Home School Activity

Mixing the ideas of a card based game with digital media, this series of activity is built on David Ng’s creation The Phylo Trading Card Game that makes…

A Global Outlook to the Interruption of Education due to COVID-19 Pandemic

More than 30 education experts from around the world contributed to this article that provides a comprehensive overview of the education’s global response to the pandemic, drawing from…


MOOCing: A Means to Mitigate Pandemic-Pain

A couple of days, at the beginning of the COVID break, were really relaxing. But slowly, I felt it as a real challenge to my professionalism. At the…
