Switching from blended to full-online learning in the Netherlands; a difficult path in secondary education

The closing down of schools in the Netherlands due to the Covid-19 outbreak made teachers rethink how to continue their teaching and students how to continue their learning. Even for teachers who already used a lot of technological tools in their education, teaching fully online proved very different than applying technological tools in a blended learning setting.

For secondary education, which is compulsory, little time could be spend to rethink these issues. We had to continue as soon as possible and learn during the journey.

For my History classes, I re-designed learning units in way they became self-directed for students. I also tried to collect feedback from as many students as I could (by adding contact forms at the end of each learning unit) and used this feedback to adjust the next learning unit. Many examples of these learning units can be found at my website. I found that many of the students found it very difficult to adjust to the more self directed learning. This took some time…. I opened up all material for external and ‘open use’.

Location: Olympus College, Arnhem, The Netherlands
More Information: https://borsgeschiedenislokaal.weebly.com/

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1 Comment

  1. Bedankt, Jasper! Thanks for sharing your story. Now you are in the queue for a future pizza;-)

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