9 Stories Categorized "OER4Covid Stories"

Alumna en medio de desastre natural y con Covid

En medio de las inundaciones del estado de Tabasco en México, una chica además de encontrarse en medio del desastre natural, se enfermó de Covid, su maestra y…

Conferencia Magistral internacional “Contribuciones de los Recursos Educativos Abiertos para los objetivos de la agenda UNESCO 2030” impartida por la Dra. María Soledad Ramírez Montoya, como clausura del curso Internacional \\

Curso internacional “Producción de Recursos Educativos Abiertos”

Fellows de la Cátedra UNESCO / ICDE crean un curso Internacional en línea denominado “Producción de Recursos Educativos Abiertos” Con el propósito de promover el Movimiento Educativo Abierto…

Switching from blended to full-online learning in the Netherlands; a difficult path in secondary education

The closing down of schools in the Netherlands due to the Covid-19 outbreak made teachers rethink how to continue their teaching and students how to continue their learning….

How Open Education can Help us Deal with the Lockdown – Polish Perspective

Almost immediately after the decision of schools closure has been announced, the Polish environment promoting open education was mobilized to step in. Actions taken include not only sharing…

Zoom with Faculty

Student OER Specialists Help Faculty Remotely

At Scottsdale Community College (SCC), we had just hired our two Student OER Specialists before spring break in early March.  Due to the virus outbreak, the decision was…

Maricopa Community Colleges Logo

OER Emergency Grants (with Mentors!)

Emergency OER Grants As we navigate this widespread transition to online learning, many of us are authoring and adapting new materials to support our students.  To help incentivize…

H5P/Virtual Simulations for Nursing Education

The Open RN is continually creating new OER H5P branching scenarios that can be used as virtual simulations for nursing students who cannot attend clinical sites during the…

Center for OER and Language Learning

Advice for Teaching Languages Online during COVID-19

The Center for Open Educational Resources & Language Learning (COERLL) at the University of Texas Austin has created an assortment of resources to help you move language classes…

knowledge network

Remote Teaching & Learning Resources

Community contributed collection of open and free resources curated by CCCOER to support teachers, administrators, students, and families in the pivot to online during COVID-19. Story originally shared…
