I got home tonight after a 500+ mile 13 hour drive from Paonia, Colorado. Today’s travel felt like time folding back on itself, then unfurling forward, as this was the reverse destination of the start of a much longer trip more than 3 years ago.

Earlier in the week on the road, the mental image was more of a kid playing with a bandage on a wound, ripping it off, putting it back. Not healing.

Now the bandage might just stay where it should be.

cc licensed (BY-SA) flickr photo by cogdogblog: http://flickr.com/photos/cogdog/2809829551

cc licensed (BY-SA) flickr photo by cogdogblog: http://flickr.com/photos/cogdog/2809829551

Like the return of the longer trip in 2011, I drove the last day long and hard to get home, then it was 600 miles from Amarillo. Like that return, tonight at sunset I was racing down a long, straight, empty stretch of highway 87 south of Winslow (yes, that Winslow).

As the gradient of day to night moved across some ill defined line, I noticed to my right, the glowing orange last gasps of sunlight still spilling over the hills, like liquid gold. To my left, a clear moon was hanging high, about two thirds full.

Just testing with content lifted from a post on medium.