Put Another Media Thing in the SPLOT Jukebox

7 Items of Media Type "Image"


Charlie celebrated his first Gotcha Day on Sunday – we adopted him last October from Old Dogs New Digs, a…

Alternative Text Image Options Are Dangled No Longer

A first public test of a new SPLOTbox feature- if you upload an image or reference an image from a…

poetry in a cup

a sprig of grape hyacinths, tiny white chrysanthemum in pale green japanese tea cup

Mayor Kline & family (LOC)

Vintage family video (1910-1915) of New York Mayor Kline. If we only knew the dog’s name… Title from data provided…

For The Five-Year-Old

An five year olds can now upload images to a SPLOTbox too… It takes JPG, PNG, and GIFs

If a Cat Can Read a GIF…

Testing a new feature AGAIN! Now image files can be added to the SPLOTbox, here via a direct URL… via…

This is The Tool of all Tools

I’ve used this image for talks about tools since like 2011, it’s amazing! And it’s open licensed. Woooot.  

SPLOTbox • blame cogdogSPLOTbox theme is based on Garfunkel by Anders Norén.