Put Another Media Thing in the SPLOT Jukebox

12 Items Licensed Public Domain Page 1 of 2


Charlie celebrated his first Gotcha Day on Sunday – we adopted him last October from Old Dogs New Digs, a…

Vocaroo Is In the Box

Vocaroo isĀ  nifty web-based audio recorder that’s been around the web for eons (2007). In seeing how some colleagues were…

Doth Safari iOS Work?

Trying a recording now in iOS. Be sure to enable MediaRecorder in iOS Settings-> Safari-> Develop -> Experimental Features  …

Alternative Text Image Options Are Dangled No Longer

A first public test of a new SPLOTbox feature- if you upload an image or reference an image from a…

A Rather Dull Safari Recording Test

Trying to isolate reports of pitches being shift L-O-W-E-R when recording, Here is another test. Yippee. I put an image…

Mayor Kline & family (LOC)

Vintage family video (1910-1915) of New York Mayor Kline. If we only knew the dog’s name… Title from data provided…

Jolly New SPLOTbox Features

First of all, the rich text editor on the front end form, can now automatically embed media like a normal wordpress editor. So just plasting in the URL for a tweet, YouTube video, all will render...

Tim Berners Lee on Web Stuff

27 Sep 2014

Enough of This Hi Ho stuff

Look, I'm a good looking white horse (not metallic) but this dude on my back gets all the credit. WTF?

SPLOTbox • blame cogdogSPLOTbox theme is based on Garfunkel by Anders Norén.